St Anthony Of Padua

When was St Anthony of Padua born/died?
St Anthony was born on the 15th August 1195 in Lisbon, Portugal.
He died on the 13th June 1231 on the way back to Padua at the
Poor Clare Monastery(now part of Padua).

What did he do while he was alive?
When Anthony was alive he was a Franciscan friar, a wonderful and
brilliant theologian and he was a preacher. He became the first
theology teacher in the Franciscan order and is referred to as “The
Doctor Of The Church”. He was canonized less than a year
following his death because of the many miracles attributed to him.

What is St Anthony Known For?
He was known for his powerful preaching, expert knowledge of the
scripture, and undying love and devotion to the poor and the sick,
he was one of the most quickly canonized saints in church history.
He is also a patron saint of lost things.

What can we learn from St Anthony?
We can learn from St Anthony that we should always remember
that our actions speak louder than our words, which means
whatever we do really in our life makes a difference instead of lying
about something you did, like helping the poor or the less

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