Christmas Message from Catechism Head Teacher
Christmas is a little different this year
“This very day in David’s town your Saviour was born, Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11
Christmas is a time to reflect and rejoice in the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. A time to reflect on the coming of Christ and a time to rejoice in God’s love for us. Like Saint Francis of Assisi said, “it is in giving that we receive”. Seeing the fall of man God promised the world a Saviour. He promised to give the world His own son Jesus Christ to free us from the bondage of sin. God gave us His only son; Jesus gave up His life and Spirit to save you and I. God gave so that we may receive. In giving us His son, God the father gained the salvation of His children. Children whom he created with so much love and care. We are all so precious to Him that He didn’t even hesitate to send His Son to this cross to save us. Nothing can compare to the love God has for each and every one of us, He loves us beyond words, He loves us beyond human intellect, He loves us above all. God’s Love is the reason for this Christmas season. The birth of Christ is the seed of hope planted in our hearts for our salvation so that one day we may be able to see God.
While the main focus of Christmas is Jesus, there is someone else who is as important that we should reflect on, the mother of God, the mother of Christ, mother of mine. God didn’t just give us His son, He also gave us a mother, the Virgin Mary. Mary accepted God’s gift to be the mother of Jesus with a humble heart. She said “I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word.” Mary may have had her own dreams, likes and dislikes, opinions and preferences but the moment she heard the words “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God” she accepted God’s plan for her. From that moment she knew she was to become the Mother of God and soon she became the mother of all mankind.
For many this Christmas may not be the same as before. Some may be away from family and friends, some may have lost their loved ones or some may be struggling financially to even celebrate Christmas. Therefore, during this Christmas season let us think about those less fortunate than us. Many people may be lacking food, clothes, family, friends, love, happiness or even a roof over their head. It may not be always food or clothes or money they are lacking, but rather things that are far more important, things that money can’t buy. So, as a fellow human being, out of love for each other we should reflect on ways in which we can help others, that they may too rejoice this season despite all the things going on in this world. Checking up on your family, writing a letter to your friends, donate something, visit the sick, even if it is little it could mean a lot to someone. This Christmas amongst all the chaos and struggles let us spread love, joy and Christ to others. For Christmas is the time to celebrate the love of God, the time to rejoice in the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ, the time to spread the Good News that this very day in David’s town our Saviour was born, Christ the Lord.
Dear God,
Thank you for looking after us and keeping us safe. Despite everything going on you have kept us safe under your protection. We can’t thank you enough with our words or actions but by living like a child of God we want thank you for everything. We pray for all those who may be suffering due to the virus, we pray that they may be cured from all their sickness so that they too can rejoice this Christmas. We also pray for all those who have passed away due to this virus, dear Lord give them the grace to be with You in Heaven. Amen.